Det finns alltid en anledning..

..till varför backspegeln är så liten o vindrutan så stor, för dit du är på väg är mycket viktigare än där du har varit.

You were fake, i was great, nothing personal. i'm walking who's laughing now

Chillade med vatten pipa och dä hos en kompis i hageby. Runt sex tror ja, drog jag och kadi till mc. Vi drog ellerfall senare tillbaka till hageby, vi sov där. Nu e jag hemma, duschade precis och nu ska ja röra mej mot nina! Ciao :)

Om du blir sårad..

En dag kommer du vakna upp och inse hur mycket du älskade henne, medans hon vaknar upp med han som redan visste det.
Forget what hurt you in the past. But never forget what it taught you.
You may say you hate me. You may say you love me. You may meet me only once in your life, and i may break your heart, but i guarantee YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ME!
If nothing last forever, will you be my nothing?
Fine, I’ll admit it. I think of you every second of every day. You are my favourite subject to talk about. When I hug you I wish I was allowed to never let go. Most of my dreams have you in them. I always get excited when I get to see you again and I’ve completely and totally fallen for you.
Everything will be okey in the end. If it's not okey, it's not the end.
‎"Kvinnan kom från mannens revben, inte från fötterna för att bli trampad på, inte heller från huvudet för att vara över mannen. Utan från insidan för att vara jämlik, under armen för att vara beskyddad och bredvid hjärtat för att vara älskad. Gör inte så att kvinnan gråter, Gud räknar hennes tårar."
Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.
Om du blir sårad, tänk då att det krävs 42 muskler i ditt ansikte för att göra en sårad grimars, med det krävs bara 4 muskler att sträcka ut armen och slå den jäveln
Tänk då att det krävs 42 muskler i ditt ansikte för att göra en sårad grimars, med det krävs bara 4 muskler att sträcka ut armen och slå den jäveln

Killar borde lära sig från Mario. - Det spelar ingen roll hur långt ifrån hans prinsessa är eller vilka hinder som finns på vägen, han fortsätter att jaga henne.

You got played too

Roses are red, violets are blue, did you actully think i'd cry over you? I told you I loved you, you believed it was true, well guess what baby? You got played too.
Roses are red, violets are blue, did you actully think i'd cry over you? I told you I loved you, you believed it was true, well guess what baby? You got played too.

Sometimes we waste too much time to think about someone who doesn't even think about us for a second. - Wiz Khalifa

Dear douche bag..

dear douche bag, You won my heart, called me beautiful, told me that you love me, and gace me some good memories.The sad part is, i got myself so infatuated with you, so glose to you. that i let you hurt me. i let you do what you did to me. i thank you. because
i know what i dont want. i know what i deserve. and it's not someone like you.
Dear douche bag, you won my heart, called me beautiful, told me that you love me, and gace me some good memories. The sad part is, i got myself so infatuated with you, so close to you. That i let you hurt me. I let you do what you did to me. I thank you. Because, i know what i dont want. I know what i deserve. And it's not somneone like you.


They say: "You can't turn a bad girl good, But once a good girl's gone bad, She's gone forever

Jag och kadi drog ut och träffade george i klocket, gick promenad och pratade om allting. Nu är vi hemma hos henne igen, sover här inatt. Imårn blir det chill med vatten pipa och sånt hos en kompis i hageby. Ciaoo

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there.

† När du förändrades, då förändrades allt.

I'm not a bitch, i just have a low bullshit tolerance.

Fucking segaste dagen. Vi drog till mc med josef vid 6, vi började röra oss in mot stan vid halv 9. Sen drog vi till klocket och lämnade det vi hade köpt. Till slut gick vi till en kompis i hageby, vi såg film, spelade fifa och sov. Ska aldrig mer dygna, herregud. Min mobil har blivit baxad också, kan verkligen inte sova utan den. Får sjävmordstankar :S nu är alltså frågan, hur i helvete ska jag lyckas somna?

Throw the middle finger, tell em bitches see ya later.

Haha, im back.. again. Har sovit hos kadi dom senaste dagarna, vi har varit med våra älsklingar och bara tagit de lungt. Sitter och snackar med några från stockholm nu och vi drar dit på måndag. Vi får se vilka vi träffar och vad vi gör, det blir galet. God jul på er iallafall.
Ge mig I JUL KLAPP ♥

Tjenis penis

Helludääär, nu sitter jag här hemma hos mig med isabelle, Nina somnade för någon timme sen. Nina och Isabelle har iaf tagit hål i läppen riktigt snyggt blev det!. Just nu sitter jag och Isabelle och kollar på ondskan. Jag älskar den filmen hihi, nu ska jag dra iaf för veta vem jag är tryck här.

isabelle och nina :)

Im not playing you. Im playing all of your friends to. Im not playing you hard, Im playing you smart I'm starting to think I need glasses cuz I see people with 2 faces all the time.

Shu, blir inget stockholm eller nyköping idag, de blir på söndag istället. Sådär enkelt ;) Haha driver, men nu är det jul lov iallafall, jävligt skönt. Träffar några senare, röker vattenpipa och sådär tror ja. Chill kväll, för imorgon blir det fest. Jaja de va det, puss :)

A real man ends a relationship before he starts searching for another one

På onsdag drar vi till stockholm eller nyköping, vi vet inte vilket av de en. Men imorgon ska vi iallafall beställa biljetter, fett nice ju. Men just nu lyssnar ja på musik och ögonen sivder som fan. Så efter jag har snackat klart med några i stockholm så ska jag sova. Natti


Killar: Till alla tjejer som säger att alla killar är exakt lika dana, öppna ögonen, inte bara benen.
Tjejer: Till alla killar som säger att tjejer är skit: öppna era ögon, inte gylfen.


Hade falska människor varit lampor, hade norrköping varit las vegas.

Allt jag vill är att vara din prinsessa

FRIDAY BITCH! aa eller?? Fuck allting, mår fitt sämst. Hoppas vi dör 2012 också, längtan är enorm.

Sitter iallafall me syster i mitt rum, snart översvämning här.. kläder ligger exakt över allt. Ska platta håret nu, sen drar ja och firar bellen med underbart folk. Sen sover några här, så natten är ung brudar..♥
Tack för du får mig må bättre, dina texter - man mår bättre..

† Girls are like parking spots.. The good ones are taken.. And the free ones are handicapped

Dagens förhållanden: Man kan röra varandra, men man kan inte röra varandras mobiltelefoner..

Så mycket mer en bara kärlek.

Madrid, alltid i hjärtat.

Försök aldrig vinna tillbaka någon som valt att förlora dig

Ja drog in till stan och där träffade jag några. Lite senare drog vi till navestad och chillade med massor där. Kom hem runt halv elva typ? Är fortfarande vaken, fett segt.. Blir film med syster nu iallafall, sen sova. Godnatt.
Från min födelsedag.


He broke up with you, right? After telling you he loved you and calling you pet names like baby and cutie? Yeah, I know he lavished you in compliments, only to put himself down so you would stroke his fakely low ego. Did he tell you that you were beautiful? I bet he promised you a personalized song. Or maybe he'd always mention how he was lying in bed and wished you were there. He dragged "I love you" out of you, didn't he? Yeah, don't deny it. He would talk to you last thing at night and first thing in the morning. He constantly mentioned losing sleep over you, every night, but we both know he slept like a rock. He made you love pictures that were just sort of "bleh" before. Did you delete those pictures after he broke your heart? Yeah, me too. All of your friends hate him now, don't they? Remember how happy they were for you? They warned you. Just remember, it's okay to cry. And referring to him as "asshole" is perfectly expected. Because, trust me, you'll end up talking about him just as often, if not more, than before the break up. There will be the "one time"s and the "I remember"s, and once you think you're over him, watch out. You better keep your eyes closed in the hallways, because I promise you, the next time you see him, he'll be all over some other girl. A little part of you will want to warn her, but nobody will blame you for hating her and for blaming her for your pain. Yeah, you'll compare all guys to him, because aside from the man-whorish, heart-breaker thing, he was perfect. He was everything you had ever wanted. Or maybe you made that up. Maybe, the second he started to show interest, you made up this perfect guy in your head, and he just happened to be just like him. Listen, you will find the perfect guy for you just like everybody says you will, and it will be soon. Okay, so I didn't believe it either, but I'm starting to.The most important thing though is don't let him know he hurt you. Don't let him know he could have you back in a heartbeat. Don't give him that satisfaction. Make him think you're completely happy. When he decides to wave at you like nothing ever happened, wave back, sure. But don't smile. Make him think he meant as little to you, as you obviously meant to him.

My middle finger gets a boner when i think of you.

Tröttnar aldrig

Life is a bitch. Oh no wait, that's you.

I want go back in time, shake hands with who you used to be, then turn around and walk away with my middle finger in the air to the person you are now. you can smile all day but then cry yourself to sleep at night, pictures never change but people in them do, your best friend can become your worst enemy, forever turns into just a couple of months and you do everything to get that back.
...How people who once wanted to spend every second with you, but now five minutes is too much for them, people can erase you from their life just because its easier than to work things out. you can smile all day but then cry yourself to sleep at night, pictures never change but people in them do, your best friend can become your worst enemy, forever turns into just a couple of months and you do everything to get that back. people who once wanted to spend every second with you, but now five minutes is too much for them, people can erase you from their life just because its easier than to work things out.

I do not pick the wrong guys, they pick me.


Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories.

Sho, shu, cha cha? What ever. Nu ska ja lyckas somna genom att lyssna på min systers enorma snarkningar. Eh normal, skjut mig nån. Ba sådär för tillfället, skulle sitta sjukt fint just nu. Tack bebisar, natti natti da

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